Thursday, September 22, 2011


Its Uncertainity every day, every hour, every minute and every second...........Will this ever come to an end! Why does it always have to be making a choice, taking a decision and being in chaos \...Will there ever be calm in the sea of life! Is this how everyone lives? Probably even the Sages?!  


  1. hyma, between the ages 0f 30-60 the uncertainity you mentioned is a daily part of life for everybody. whichever part of the world. learning from those uncertainities and becoming stronger mentally is what makes most of the human beings wise when they cross a certain age...let us arbitirarily put the number as 60...!!! say cheers & move on with the is part of life. hope you are doing good. take care, Kiran.

  2. so right Kiran...All is well,thanks... but until 60 is too long a period to live this way:-)
