Tuesday, March 8, 2011

busy busy

its been busy busy days out here doing nothing. well, busy reading books, chatting, shopping etc...lol! My latest read, "Shopaholic & Baby"....oh, what a fantabulously funny book...I have become a huge fan of Sophie Kinsella. Well, somewhere in between, i feel like thrashing up Becky Brandon for her reckless shopping addiction but she is cute and i enjoy her character thoroughly....want to read the other books left out in the series!

I have managed to watch the movie "Fashion" for God knows, probably the umpteenth number of times...Will i ever get tired of watching this movie...NOOOO! by now, i know the movie scene by scene , even better than the script writer...:-)

hv to get back to my cookery blog and start updating some recipes..well, my kitchen, here i come...